Sunday, September 28, 2014

Inflation Rates

On the Property Inflation Tab. 

Most everything can be left alone. 

Based On: None

Reimbursement Method: Switch to Calendar reimbursement under calendar inflation

Inflation Month: Analysis Start

Below you will see a table where you will input the inflation rates you want. 

In the General Row you will see 0% in each of the years. Miscellaneous Revenues, Reimbursable, Non-Reimbursable, etc, all have nothing in the rows. This means they will default to the General Inflation

Typically the assumption is 3% inflation. This means every year everything will grow at 3%. 

Input 3% into the first General box under Dec-2016. 

We want all the years to be 3%. Pressing enter will move your icon across and you can manually enter 3% into each of the boxes OR on the right is a button called "Extend" push it and the 3% will extend across the row. OR ALT+E will do the same. 

I leave the rest of the boxes empty so they default to the General Inflation EXCEPT for Market Rent

Growing up in a brokerage house, I'm of the belief market rent must grow at a better rate than 3%, right?!?! 

Let's assume the Sparkle palace is right in the middle of a CBD that fell on hard times during the recession and is Hot hot hottototot! Grow market rent at the following rates: 

2016: 5% 2017: 7% 2018: 5% 2019: 4% 2020+: 3%

So if Market rent is $20.00 /SF/YR then in 2016 it will be $21.00, in 2017 it will be $22.47, 2018 it will be $23.59 etc. 

We're done with the property Description. The other tabs aren't important. Press ok and exit out. Next we'll go into options and change a few things about the setup of the argus. 

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