Too many buttons. Too many things to forget to check.
SO! Open argus. Not gonna help you with that one.
Something to be aware of: Argus automatically saves every thing you do immediately. Delete a tenant? It's gone. (unless you Ctrl-Z before exiting screen)
So duplicate your file often! We'll get there.
But for now....your screen should look like this.
Just like any office product, click in the left hand corner, File > New > From Scratch
I don't know what "from template"/"ARGUS Wizard" are, and I don't trust them. You don't need them! YOU Will be the Argus Wizard when we're done.
It will have you input a File Name. Usually I make it the Property's Name/Address and the date.
I've made up a fictitious property and it's called the Sparkle Palace. So my file name is:
Sparkle Palace 092814 (Since its Sept 28, 2014)
Click Save. Now we have our very own argus file!!!!
Automatically a screen will pop up called "Property Description"
There's only one thing you have to be really cognizant of on this page: Property Type.
This is about the only thing in Argus that can't be changed. Argus will warn you when you leave the page. I work with mostly office, and often in an office building you'll want to have the option to put in retail so I usually pick "Office & Retail" in the drop down box. Best to give yourself as many options as possible. There really isn't that much difference as far as I'm concerned, but if you're working on an industrial building, pick industrial. Or Office/Industrial. Argus isn't that great for Multifamily, so if that's what you're working in... why are you here? Just use excel.
SO starting at the top: Put in the Property Name. If you want, put in the address/city/state. I'm lazy so I'm not going to.
Pick your Property Type: I'm picking Office & Retail
If you look above Property Name, you'll see there are lots of Tabs. Currently the Property Description tab is selected. Directly to the right is a tab called Timing. Click that tab.
A screen will pop up warning you "You cannot change the base property type after exiting this screen. Is this one OK?" and you tell argus, Yes. I know that.
Woohoo! You have an argus file set up! NOW... Onto Timing!
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